Quality Plating & Polishing Services at a Great Price

If you own an industrial property and you have some machinery or parts to polish and plate, you might be in need of some innovative surface finishing solutions. If that’s the case and you are looking for local chrome plating specialists in Dallas, GA or the surrounding areas, then you are certainly on the right page. So stay here and read on!

Plating Service

You Can Count on Our Services

Dallas Plating offers a full-ranging plating service for aluminum, stainless steel, steel, and pot metal. Chroming (the use of chromium in the electroplating process) is our most popular service, but we also offer nickel and copper plating. In addition, we do polishing, repair, and chrome stripping. Read more on our Services page.

Let an Expert Do It

Let’s face it: quality plating requires much more than a DIY kit and some vague knowledge. In order to not hurt yourself and have it done properly, turning to a pro is a must. The process is not simple as well. It is specialized and our crew has obtained all the training and qualifications necessary. Because of the use of highly-toxic and volatile elements, it is not recommended attempting in on your own.

Aesthetics & Durability

Whether you are interested in our chrome or nickel plating service in Dallas, GA, we promise outstanding quality, quick results, and great customer care. You can even ask us for a triple plating price quote. Whatever you choose, it will add beauty and durability to the metal underneath.

If you want to know more about our chroming service, book it, or get a free estimate about a job we can provide you with, call Dallas Plating today!

Client’s Testimonial

by Jeffrey Simmons on Dallas Plating
Excellent Services

These are the chrome plating experts in the area. They have done many different jobs for me and I am always overjoyed with the quality of their work. They have my sincerest recommendation.

Dallas Plating
Address: 109 Old Cartersville Rd,, Dallas, GA 30132
Phone: (770) 445-8926

  • Chrome Plating
  • Polishing
  • Repair
  • Production Items
  • Chrome Stripping

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